You will enter the interior of the ship through the entrance on the left (picture1). In the basement, head to the left to start a new confrontation. Three enemies then oppose you. To defeat them, wait for them to arm their attacks to hit them. Be careful not to land your blows too early or you will fail for sure. Then walk always to the left to find a young girl who will ask you for help. You will then have to find and bring back the three other prisoner sisters inside the ship to gather the entire Cubus family. Continue along the upper path and use the Boomerang to target the orb near the barrier of peaks (picture2). Continue to the right, taking care to carefully negotiate the passage at the fire bar. Then walk from plank to plank and cross over the chasm to continue east (picture3). By taking the lower passage, you will reach a new orb and a chest (picture4).
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Open the latter to collect the triangular crystal, then go to the left after hitting the orb. Throw the object over the void, towards the North platform. Rejoin the triangle and take it back in hand. Finally, bring it to its slightly higher receptacle (picture5). Then return to the upper right corner of the room to find the second Cubus sister (picture6). You have to bring each of the sisters back to the first one. So don't progress too fast to give them time to follow you and eliminate the spiders so they don't get scared. If this should happen, however, come back to her and talk to them so that they start following you again. Accompanied by the second sister, take the upper path (picture7) and take the opposite route to reunite the two young girls.
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Go and retrieve the mother-of-pearl necklace inside the chest in the lower area in the center of the ship (picture8). Then return to the southeast of the floor to find the next stairs in the corner (picture9).
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Walk out of the neutral zone to spawn a reaper. The principle of the reaper is the same as that of the guardians of the Temple of the Sea King. So you have to try not to get noticed and go to the neutral zones in case of a hard blow. Progress to the right and go through the upper corridor so as not to be noticed by the spectrum. At the end on the left, talk to the third sister to convince her to follow you (picture10). Before leaving, hit the orb and walk to the right. Do not follow the advice of the young girl and prefer to open the chest on the right (picture11). Do not open the left one to avoid a trap. With the yellow potion in hand, carefully go up the northernmost corridor to bring the girl back to the first basement. The slightest cry will immediately attract the reaper. So try to always benefit from a nearby pick-up point. There is still a chest in the center of the area. Take the round crystal inside and bring it to its receptacle located on the previous level to make it easier for you later. When you have collected the three sisters, take the stairs to the west and then go left. You will then find the passage to the top floor.
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Walk to the right and bypass the levers for now (those who would like to get the key to this riddle directly need only read a few lines further). By entering the room at the bottom right of the screen, a fight begins (picture12). Eliminate the spiders with large reinforcements of circular attacks, then spin up. Do not hit the orb which only appears a ghost and instead go in the upper corridor to look for the big red rupee contained in the chest (picture13). Your purse will then increase by 200 rupees. Then go in the second corridor located just above you and win the neutral zone to find a stele. This reveals an important coded message (picture14). Note the order announced and then return to the levers further south. Then activate the joysticks as in the order described in picture 15. A row of spikes will disappear as a result of this action.
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Go through the northern entrance of the small area filled with cans and do some tidying up to detect the presence of a slab on the left (picture16). Walk on it, then win the northeast corner of the basement. You will notice that one of the 4 barrels shakes. Lift it to find the last sister (picture17). Finally, bring the girl back to her family to bring the Cubus together and discover the deception at the same time (picture18).
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Boss: The Four Cubus Sisters
The confrontation takes place like a volleyball match where you will have to manage to deflect certain attacks from your enemies by hitting them with your sword (picture19). At the start of the fight 3 of the 4 sisters attack you with laser beams while only one of them throws a sort of energy orb at you. So hit it to send the orb back to your enemies. You will have to repeat the operation until all the sisters disappear. Very early in the duel, the orb will bounce between the sisters several times before being thrown back at you up to three times in a row. So stay vigilant and don't miss your target or you'll have to start the maneuver from the beginning. Circular attacks can then be slightly more precise. Stay focused throughout the fight and things should go well. When the combat zone has only two opponents left, some energy balls may turn out to be false, but these are distinguished by a slightly different look. In the event of a boo, don't forget that the jars often hold a few captive Life Hearts (picture20). So don't hesitate to use it! At the end of the fight, collect the Spectral Key (picture21), then open the large chest to get your additional container. Finally, walk on the halo of blue light and take the path to the second basement to free Tetra (picture22). A long narrative sequence will follow...
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