Soluce Zelda Phantom Hourglass : When the little hooded one returns to Nintendo DS in an entirely new episode, thousands of fans exult with joy. But some of them could very quickly pull the face in the face of the many puzzles that will not fail to give them a hard time during the adventure. Stuck in a Dungeon? A heart fragment escapes you or worse a Boss is giving you trouble? Do not panic: you have found us. is therefore proud to provide you with the complete Zelda Phantom Hourglass solution, all supported by numerous screens and plans. Never has a DS walkthrough reached such a degree of precision on the net, so you find yourself facing the rare pearl (are you okay with your ankles?). Make good use of it! ;)
- Chapter 1: Link the Eternal Castaway
- Chapter 2: The Underpass
- Chapter 3: The Temple of the Sea King
- Annex 1: The tornado slate
- Appendix 2: The Isle of Spirits
- Appendix 3: Bonnepelle Island