Apex Legends: Tier List Season 1, Best Legends

Our articles on Apex Legends Apex Legends: Tier List Season 1, Best Legends Apex Legends: Tier List Season 1, best legends Who to take and play to win on the Battle Royale Apex Legends? Find our selection of the best legends for the first patch of season 1 of Apex Legends!

Apex Legends has been released for over a month, and its first season just started on March 19. If you want to know how to play the legend presented, you just have to click on its icon or on its name. You can also find all of our guides on legends, but also a tier list concerning weapons.

Who are the best legends to play in season 1? Who to take to win in Battle Royale? We tell you everything in our tier list on legends!

Apex Legends: Tier List Season 1, Best Legends

Apex Legends: Tier List Season 1, Best Legends


Undoubtedly the support legend par excellence, its care and its utilitarian capacities make it a must in the different compositions. Capable of calling in cargo to scavenge high-end defensive gear, Lifeline will never be a dead weight in skirmishes or defensive phases.

Apex Legends: Tier List Season 1, Best Legends


With a very powerful move and reposition ability, Wraith stands out as the mobile DPS par excellence. Its passive is essential, since it allows you to be alerted, and thus warn your allies, that an enemy has spotted you. Nothing more practical to know when you can face the danger, and when you will have to avoid it!

Apex Legends: Tier List Season 1, Best Legends


Despite an ability costing him some life to move quickly, Octane can easily deal with this loss through his passive. The legend therefore benefits from a very significant passive regeneration for long skirmishes, but also from a movement speed bonus allowing him to surprise his opponents. However, it is his ultimate ability, his springboard, that makes him so powerful, since he allows you to quickly get back into the zone.

Apex Legends: Tier List Season 1, Best Legends

Apex Legends: Tier List Season 1, Best Legends


Bloodhound enjoys certain advantages over his opponents thanks to his hunter abilities. His passive combines perfectly with his active ability, which allows him to spot traps and clues through walls. No player will be able to surprise you when a Bloodhound accompanies you, making this legend a major asset in aggressive compositions. Its ultimate ability, in addition to making your hunt easier, will make you more mobile.

Apex Legends: Tier List Season 1, Best Legends


Despite an interesting active ability to veil the vision of the enemy, and a very useful passive to be warned of danger, Bangalore does not manage to climb to the top of the rankings. Too dependent on its abilities, their cooldown can quite easily lose the advantage, despite a very powerful passive. His ultimate ability, while very useful, will rarely be decisive in skirmishes.

Apex Legends: Tier List Season 1, Best Legends

The Mirage,

A true master of illusion, Mirage finds it very difficult to shine on the battlefield, mainly because his doubles are very easy to spot. While none of her abilities are offensive, Mirage can still hold her own with a lot of strategy, but you always have to be on your toes as too few players get fooled by the holographic decoys.

Apex Legends: Tier List Season 1, Best Legends

Apex Legends: Tier List Season 1, Best Legends


With a kit of very toxic abilities, Caustic is struggling to find a real place within the different compositions. His passive ability, while very useful, is vastly outmatched by the Bloodhound stalking and Wraith passive. His lack of mobility is also a weak point, when compared to the other legends who stand against him.

Apex Legends: Tier List Season 1, Best Legends


With a very defensive kit, armor when aiming, or a protective dome for his allies, Gibraltar suffers from a lack of mobility which makes him vulnerable. Moreover, despite a very interesting kit, it is often more advantageous to favor direct healing with a character like Lifeline.

Apex Legends: Tier List Season 1, Best Legends


Although having great mobility, and an ability to predict the next safe zones, Pathfinder's ultimate ability can also backfire, since it allows enemy teams to escape from an area. Unfortunately, he suffers from a severe lack of offensive or defensive ability to be able to make a difference in skirmishes.

Apex Legends: Tier List Season 1, Best Legends

All the info on Season 1 of Apex Legends


Apex Legends: Tier List Season 1, Best Legends

All the Legends list of Apex Legends


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